1)What is a Mistake ?
Anything that makes you to feel guilty can be called as mistake.
2)what is Meditation?
Oh boy! when you feel happy and joy for no reason and and when you realize all your cells are smiling then that is called meditation.
3)What is a Religion?
Religion is one which makes you to be a good fellow human with others and with nature.
4)Who is a Good Girl?
Who does not propagate free sex and one who does not break the natures law.(girls pls keep up distance from other girls who propagate free sex,that might be a plot to abuse you).
5)Who is Good Boy?
One who does not play with the physical and emotional feelings of the girl .Because girls are like well water,they don't easily get disturbed ,once they get disturb ,they don't easily get settle.but we guys are not like that ,so good boy is the one who sees that he is not disturbing them un necessarily.
6)Definition of Prayer?
Prayer has nothing to do with mantras and chantings and rituals.prayer is a mode of communication to the super natural power in which you believe.since we believe ,it will be answered.
7)Who Curse Others?
Those who feel that their life is full of curse and miseries such persons normally curse others.swami Vivekananda told"look at Buddha words ,his words are full of bliss ,he never cursed others".
8)Who is a Good Teacher?
The value of the good teacher increases when they lift their student to greater heights.this can be applicable to spiritul teachers too.Thats why they are called ladder.
9)Bad Teacher?
Bad teacher is one who shows their personal frustrations over students.
10)What is Body?
Our body is temple ,we must keep it neat and clean .we must always remember that our body is not a septic tank or guddon. so we must know to keep it clean by not dumping too much of wastes.