Dear Brother,
Probably by now u might be knowing me very well. first of all let me show my respect to you. hope all is going well with you. no doubt you are my brother (according to tribal culture :).
the main purpose of writing this letter is to request you to stop abusing her in the public. we are civilized ,particularly whites feels that it's their burden to civilize the rest. if you continue to behave like this then your disproving the white mans burden theory.
it is not that u alone in the world gave up your girl friend or u lost by ur lethargy. (we feel our girls are our assets).me too had done the same ,not many year before just last year. i had a crush over my class mate.purposefully she hided her boyfriend from me. this game went on for 6 months.on the next semester i came to know everything about her ,that was shocking and bit created anger. i took it lightly,however underneath the relationship was alive. one day her boyfriend came to our campus. i met him (she introduced him to me ,girls known for that!) i decided on that dayitself i should completely wipe put every thought and possibilities of getting close with her. this might be a vage narration ,since a girl involved i dont want to write bit elaborately (trust me brother i never touched her unnecessarily ).still today we see each other,we smile we say little hai and we move on.
many things in life time decides. if u understand i can say my girl's fearless is actually a punishment for me. you are just an instrument used for that(our last birth account got settled )
moreover even in any barbarian culture forcing a girl or abusing a girl will be considered as the least human activity.
i had seen comments over me as baby sitter,whore, nigger, gorilla and so many....(only in the last two days i abused you ,that u know the reason. being a boy u gave me the worst punishment to me, which i pray no one should undergo.) BABY SITTER: yes iam a baby sitter to my girl.my father had been a good baby sitter,my grand father had been very good baby sitter and pray i also should be a good baby sitter. i dont undrstand the logic of calling as baby sitter. if me and my girl produce a goods then its our responsibility to bring it out as a complete finished goods. our culture completely allows us and encourage us to be a babysitter. i dont know about your?.then what is our job. only night duty?
WHORE:honestly speaking ,even the present life that iam leading is againt my inner being. i am guy who really aspires less problamatic simple life with fresh air and water. you may not know for guys like me big things are punishment(i have to thank god for my girl who is understanding this).so u may not know how much am afraid. coz i know about this two years before,i even told to my two class mates here. i tried my level best to fit in here.but god wants me to be my girls baby sitter.
no one could have spoke and advocated virginity like me. joe (my canadian friend) knows that very well. recently i came to know that virginity concept is a mirage and moreover it's a geo-cultural concept.like for an indian girl virginity is the concept which gives an invisible strong bond to husband. if an indian girl losing her virginity other than her boyfriend definitely it says that system gets erodes(coz we have to think in such a sysytem if she does mistake then it has soemthing to say).where as it is entierly different in terms of westerners. in your teen age if you dont have boy/girl friend and if you dont go for dating then the society will suspect you and inturn it might even brand you as gay. this is not that case here.you are respected and looked up if you dont roam out unnecessarily.it's more of middle class attitude. i am not justifying the fearless. you have more maturity to come out fast and build another relationship.(may be your society moving fast in this matter).these days i know what is happening in elite insititutions.... in that case my girl is much better .coz she didnt hide anything and she is ready to be honest .what else a guy need. think like this ,we both are marrying a virgin girl what guarentee we have that she might continue to be good ?.... there are many things in life that only time can determine.i would like to ask here , why virginity is only for girls? what about us?
so my brother forget and forgive will be the good policy for this bermuda triangle. i wish u will get a good girl who understands you and accepts you.
P.S : i didnt talk and write much about my girl in this letter,since i felt that might hurt you. i dont want to do the mistake you had done.