in a village people never buy vegetables in kilograms, they buy for few rupees. this is how they buy, onion for two rupees, tomato for two rupees and ginger and chilli (either one) for one rupee. untill recently this was the scene ,nowthere are two merchant communities established a shop and they start to distribute polythene bags and denied one rupee and two rupee business. interesting part is when onion went for rupees 40, the person who sold for fe rupees had the onion, but the merchant cmmunity shop wasnt had. when i asked the person who sell for fe rupees, he told poor people cant understand so now iam spending few of my hundreads to get for them. this philanthropic attitute remains inthe whole supply chain of the earleir one who sell for fe rupees. they earned profit when they got and shared the loss, now where the question f inflation and unavailability came here? it is always the problem with econmist who poison the people and government solely on the basis of profit and profit maximisation. these people are contributing to the inflation rate because they are keeping the profit percentage in uncomprmise level and pushing the people to buy for the available price. the funny part is these same people write articles and books on pverty alleviation.
in town we have a regulated market, where the fresh greens and vegetables available for the reasnable cost, becasue the surrounding villaeges rely on these merchants. if we go with 100rs to market we can buy three vegetables and greens. but spending everyday 100 is bit tough for majority of the people.so here also peple have difficulties in consumption, because of the income difference and the unavailability of the maternal attitutde in businesss.
full of shopping malls with centralised ac, the vegetables and fruits cost the rate of my pants and shirts. perfectly coverd and keeps under refrigiration. so it is wide clear that common man cannot enter in. the market in city is equally costly as compare to shpping malls.
now who is deciding this three types of distribution of same commodity to same people.? how can we allow the prfit minded business peple to sell the vegetables and other eatables. an apple cost 160rs, a papaya cost 60rs and pineapple cost 60rs. compare your dollar story here.
a poor needs minimum of 3 laddle(anna karandi) of rice, a cup of dhal, with one veetable and one greens . if any individual who get these then he is living a decent standard of living. instead u give them 40rs and ur market econmy hikes the eatable commodity prices and data says 55% of peple have now 40rs, so we donthave poverty. isit right? i found ecnomist manipulate their research to make their work more valid. there is a game of number cheating is going on. the poor live in the three places and their income has to differ according to their residing place. 40 rs generalisation will not work. here in our capital the people doing begging as a hobby, these kids play on the road side and when the traffic signal is made these kids running near to cars for begging. it seems they are doin this as a vluntary activities. these peple are the slags of the urbanisation and modernisatin. if modernisatin removes poverty,then why these people staying under the bridge and often sleeping in pen space.?
the gvernment must make the public disrtibutive system more effective. for that the administrative system must be effective. call the youth volunteers of every district and distribute the stored grains, atleast let them eat as raw weat and rice. we need to distribute the stored grains instead of allowing it to decay. call the develpment officers and ask them to distribute the grains with proper maintained records. the state intervention is a must because econmic exploitation might take place now because of econmic growth.
it is rare to get human birth,
it is more rare to get birth without physical challenges...
it is horror that povery exist
it is much horror that experiencing poverty in youthhood.... (ouvaiyaar- sangam literature)