There are so many beautiful creations done by god and one among those are girls.They are really interesting to deal and handle .we call our country as mother land ,river and mountains with feminine names ,this clearly shows that traditionally we had great respect for opposite gender.many Tamil poets such as auvaiyaar ,kakaipdiniyar, now we have Tamarai film lyricist all were women.Even in early vedic period we had kargi and mytrayi as women scholars .what actually happened in the later vedic period is a big question because society underwent drastic changes and many social evils were commenced to practice.one among those practising untouchables act and denying education to women. a wise men always learn from the past or from history ,akbar had never underwent schooling he is called in history as "akbar the great" there are records that akbar listened to ministers and to his wives.no doubt men and women are equal .both must do things which they are capable enough . the exposure of modern education made great impact on our lives still making.since we are educated and empowered we never call our mother with different terms ,whatever we do and wherever we go, she is still our mother and we call her as Amma.{now we have daddy and mummy culture }so with certain basic things we should never compromise.the modern education (western education) which actually grown according to the western climate and culture,having a huge impact over our tradition .we, some intelligences who read those ideas and slightly lack the knowledge of discrimination between good and bad will get confuse with those western ideas.there is a wide difference between western mummy and indian Ma. similarly there must be differnce of western wife and indian wife.empowerment is not all about giving up responsibilities and roaming like a wild horse .empowerment is all about transforming into a wise women ,becuase when u read more u will become wise and u will start to respect others. have we seen any lady doctors ,engineers,civil servants ,judges talking more about feminism ,liberation of women ? ans;; because they they work in the society and literally know the stress and strain that working force undergoing.it is always the problem with the HALF BAKED ,they neither read more nor understand valuable things .when a girl get educated she really enters into the process of empowerment whether ur using it for constructive purpose or destructive purpose it depends on the women.
more than anybody we respect gals (good girls) because shiva is merely the embodyment of skathi the feminine form .we can say shiva is nothing wothout sakthi(female power) .power corrupts people we all know ,since they have lot of power ,nature provides them lot of responsibilities .we can find the concentration power is more with gals than with boys.women empowerment is widely appreciable along with the understanding of responsibilities.
u cut your hair ,wear one dirty old jeans and stinky shoulder bag call ur self as activist and start to roam .if u think this is empowerment ,really ther is a big misunderstanding in the concept.insted a well educated girl , higly discipled wife with self respect and turns to be good mother to the child and really a good friend of husband who respects certain values is actually an empowered women.