The most fascinating,admirable,spell bound word is LOVE.According to our convenience the concept of love changes from time to time but the real meaning of love or the real love,which is universal in nature is still existing and will exist in the future too. To put it simply there is a vast difference between the love that exist now and the actual love.love is unconditional and attitudinal ,actual love will expect nothing,it will neither bargain nor do psychological blackmailing. according to our lifestyle our love too changes .for some, love is talking in the cell phone for no reason ,if we ask them they give wonderful answer as "we discuss nothing important yet it is wonderful".for another type of people love is one night stand and to some people it is a divine bond between the two souls which enters into life term contract by a ceremony called marriage.so the love varies from person to person but the bottom line of love always remains the same .It is an invisible emotional bond between two souls. no doubt every language literature will be having enormous works on love.Love between me and this lady; Is like bond between soul and body-thirukkural 1122.
some of our literature says that the highest level in love is sharing our body with our soul mate.it can be pre or post marital ,but the modern love have a small problem here.they share everything and after a year or two ,they realize that he/she is not a right person.some of my friends having this problem .one couple were loving each other,the boy will not even allow the girl to talk with me,such a strong love ,recently when i was asking him about his love ,he said no more exist.on the other hand my college friend prince is maintaining his love for eight years.so the understanding is very important in love ,whom we are loving ,what sort of interest does he or she has are very important.if we understand each other them there will be minimum problem and those problems can be easily tackled.Instead forcing each other to change according to their interst will definitely create problem. sangam literature says that the high intensity of love exist for six months and after that it is always good to go for marriage.may be not applicable now.
true love will not expect anything in turn except love itself ,i had seen many love and lovers lost in the time who were highly connected by cell phone ,messages and other means they even talk as if they are husband and wife everything vanishes in the time.if this is the case in the love we must think where the problem exist? Actually love is not an experimenting one,like we should not enter into love for experimenting purposes ,for simple reason love deals with human emotions. for many of us love comes by seeing people in the bus ,train ,airplane ,on the street, theater etc ..we are not committing to everyone whom we are seeing ,actually our inner consciousness should talk about her/him then only we should go for love with her/him.This will save us from emotional damages.if we are going to sustain our love only by doing psychological blackmailing then how long we can sustain that love?.coz our body and mind will naturally develop the immunity against the hardship .love only breeds love ,love cannot be attained by other means except by loving.love can transform an individual ,we can easily find people who are in love those are very common symptoms we all know those symptoms ,one among is that he/she will be too gentle ,that means love can really bring change whether it is positive change or negative change that depends on your love and your lover.
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