Now i am going to say something very important to understand for the following 60 years(2002-2062).many know about the importance of number 8 and 9 and few might know about 13.its available in the net too. but what i want to say is that 8+9 = 13.many may feel both are both the extremes then how come its possible?actually they are not extremes.let me say it.
Many are afraid of the number eight and some(astrologers) even go to the extend saying unlucky number because it belongs to the planet Saturn(Sani Bhagavan). in our Tamil tradition we call only three people as Eshwar (almighty) first we call Ganesha as vigneshwar, two Maheshwar Lord Shiva and three Sanieswar (Saturn). because these three people have special power that others normally don't possess.
If sani is inauspicious how he entered into super three? he was wrongly interpreted.
when we say eight or sani we feel problems , loses and so on.Actually speaking number 8 is much related to truth, power, determination,honesty and enormous prosperous. then why we call eight as problematic, the reason is there is another one quality that many may not know about saturn is that it can reveal real face of anyone.Saturn likes good people at the same time he don't like hypocrites ,nowadays most of us are hypocrites that's why we don't get the proper blessings of Saturn.what the Saturn will do is it reveals the hypocrisy very easily. this is because Saturn goes against sun.
Our yogis and siddhars never afraid of Saturn or number 8.for them it is the power center if we properly approach him and request him the benefits will be peak.Saturn will always test our patience once if he get convinced he never calculate and give the benefits (unexpected payments) Saturn teaches what is life is? only Saturn can show the both the side of the coin. that is life with sorrow and blessings.
Here in the north i see people are worshiping hanuman to over come the saturn influence ,this is somewhat wrong notion.(the belief is based on the mythology that sani could not penalize hanuman) actually speaking saturn will not penalize any good people he never kill anyone (only in the third phase) he delays the process of progress that too to train you to protect the materialistic prosperous that are about to receive from him. siddhars understood this factor of saturn and they were really striving to be honest and truthful ,that's how they attain siddhis ,by attaining siddhis they became the friend of time(there is another track in this understanding no need to explain now). on the whole with out purity and truth it is really difficult to get the blessings of saturn.and to be frank we cannot escape from saturn only the punishment will get reduced by our prayer.on the other hand if we are sincere, helpful in nature,ethically conscious i promise you ,we will not get the negative influence of Saturn.
Nine related to name, fame ,prosperous , luxurious,happiness and so on .you can put all synonyms of happiness. the numbe r9 is very generous and so it may not teach what life is all about we no need to talk much about this number because it is very much considered with luck auspiciousness and progressiveness.
Kala bhairava the super power in the bit unpleasent form.he emerged out of anger and comitted sin by beheading brahma because of that he roamed all over the world with begging bowl and the sin followed him in the form of a lady. this is a small intro of kala bhairava.he is the lord of time factor.
Now lets see how 8+9 fit into 13. kalabhairava in appearance black(8) at same time he was charming(9) wherever he went he attracted the other girls and rishis wife's again that turned into a problem to him.though KB is the form of Shiva(9) he committed murder by chopping one of the head of Brahma(8).he is the perfect explanation of life and time .Coz he contains the both the powers to create and to destroy.when the intelligence reached to the level of arrogance Kala bhairava emerged to say that there exist the power beyond intelligence.
the power of 9 made him to say about the existence of super power over the intelligence,but the way he said was influenced by 8.(choping the head).
from above we can understand kala bhairava has two power together, that's why he is called as the lord of time. if we see we have everything in two ,day and night ,good and bad ,positive and negative, divine and evil and so on .these two forces can operate in their own time period and in own sphere of influence ,say night starts after seven ,evil flourishes in the ugly heart and vice-versa , but kala bhairava is the embodiment of both and that made him to be the lord of time factor(the dualness). Learning from Kala bhairava will be painful .for instance he is teaching you the life aspects say important aspects(9) but he teaches you by making you to undergo pains (8).Any how the out put and the result will be positive but the process underwent would be painful.
Finally it is very easy to please kalabhairava than any other god .kalabhairava will be highly pleased if we are simple and honest.
when we don't have anything, we have nothing to lose.