After completing my masters, i got opportunities in JNU, IDSK and PU. In the month of July i came to our campus and just got mesmerized by our beauty of our campus. I got three signs that i am going to be here. 1) The watch man treated me fairly and he asked me to go to hostel no:1, 2) In the hostel no:1 i got room no:58 ( with the shield attached on the door) i checked the whole wing only my room got that then the open aquarium in the main building. Finally when i saw Prof. Narayanan i confirmed it:) becuase when i went to JNU everywhere torns and very much like desert forest. my intution was pushing me out of the campus.
Sat for MET,question was tough with statistics and little economics i managed by attenting psychology and current affairs questions. Another one miracle that i found was my interview just all the professors are lively and laughing like anything, believe me while came out from the room i thought " is it me?"then with my grand father support i joined in IITB. Though the study,stay and other things was challenging me i managed to stay here becuase some power in our campus protected me (thought of running away and commiting suicide). Thanks to the angels here. They gave me courrage whenever i was asking. All my old philosophies and thoughts about life got shattered here. Its like operation without anesticia.
I found my ANGEL here she will be my future wife, got base for my studies further. Actually sort of enlightenment (in siddhar tradition enlihtenment is not a end point ,its on the way perk) which i received here about life which made me to accept life as it is. My french connection continued here. In the first list couldn't make out then later i received a mail saying that they give preference to second years (i was in waiting list 11) so i could able to attend french class for one year. As Einstein said we can see life in two ways one with everything as miracle and another one with nothing as mirracle. so far i could see from the first point of view.
The IITB alumini association gave me loan for laptop. At first i though this is unnescessary expenditure. later i came to know ,now laptop is as essential as pen and notebook. some where i read "luxurious commodities are becoming essential commodities". Thanks to alumni association. Here i find people know to treat well each other in the working culture. That because of the intelligence level that exist here. we must ameliorate it further. Along with treating well we should learn to help each other. like help your own friends in learning. by teaching we will learn fastly then reading.
I never bother about good and bad people when it comes to prayer. Everyday in my prayer i pray for each and everyone in our campus. Its like for my good and for others welbeing too.
i dont know how to thank our director and other administrators here for the step taken to make IITB as a world class institute. amazing step ,our IITB must become oxford of the east (universities are doing only politics). i thank the angels here. please give oppurtuinites for first genertaion people ,let them see how another world exist. definitely this will not bring down our standard. this will only increase our learning phase. like loyola college does. these first generation students mostly will not be rowdies and easy goers. where as they will absorb our working culture and definitely it will not be a waste because i benifited from our institute a lot. I pray that arutperumjothi andavar will give all support to our director to make our institute as world class institute.
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