i dont know anyone spoke about the power of disciples. everyone of us know the power of almighty, guru and gods. but there exist one power which is the forceful power can be named as the power of disciples. simple concept yet really important. they said shiva is nothing without shakthi, true. but same mythology says that shiva shattered shakthi's body into pieces when she went against the call of shiva. the logic behind is simple. the two forces must moves in the complementing manner, when any one force goes against another one, then there exist choas and disaster. this is applicable from family to environment. ie., from family to society, society to state, state to nation, nation to internatinal and finally the circle completes with environment. when our greedy forces goes against the environment forces then disaster is ensured. similarly the power of disciples too has this effect.
1) a hero/heroine remains hero/heroine aslong as the fans want him/her to be.
2) the preacher remains as a preacher as long as the listeners ready to listen
3) similarly a guru remains close to god as long as he has good disciples.
everyday i get up,my first work is looking at my guru face and i say a small tamizh phrase. i know clearly that my guru speaks bengali,hindi,english but not tamizh. however it is not that because of tamizh phrase my faith had forsaken. this is force that iam talking about. evryday my prayer through him, keep him close to god.the disciple force without his knowledge pushing him towards divinity. the analogy culd be since the demand frm one centre is incresing the gpvt gives more subsidiary and financial assistance to serve further effectively. the crowd for ramakrishna math and other spritiual org has a vast difference. that clearly says good disciples leads to good spiritual centre. so naturally in such a places the vibes will be soothing and relaxing. this is mainly due to the disciples. because thier faith and belief over the order keeps those sanyasis in right track. like mushroom many spiritual masters crop up and it will be interesting to see their disciples crowd:)
since huge amount of transactions taking place through a particular order. the master(god) will definitely take care of the leak proof channel. so guru's spiritual highness is automaitcally raised by their disciples faith. another one interesting fact is, if the group is more demanding naturally without his own will the forces pushes the facilitator further. so it is always important to allign with good order, good people, good guru and good disciple.
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