more than any country in the world, india is known for great guru shisya (teacher and student) tradition. history says when the nalanda library was set fire it burnt for three months continuously, in the south we had sangam to discuss and dispute about the growth of knowledge and regularising the flow of knowledges. there were facts that india had been the seat of learning in the olden days. credits must be given to buddhist and jainist. when we(you) took over the knowledge seat problem emerged. becuase particular group of people had done knowledge curving (which is the greatest sin) they kept the knowledge for themselves and this tradition continued until imperialism entered into india. to assist the british in clearical works they introduced macaulay system of education. this actually broken the knowledge curve done by those groups. intorduction of new education system opens up for everyone who could pay for their stuides (fair enough). so from here onwards our education has more of western leniance. there were two school of thoughts emerged during the freedom era. one was local knowledge system (gandhi) and another one was western scince and technology(nehru).
nehru strongly beleived that the science and technology will make a trickling effect in reducing poverty and the country will flourish. we can even say he was romantic idealist towards western science and technology.(no need to go for a debate of right or wrong). as gandhi was properly neglected in the last moments of freedom era, his thoughts too was sent back to sabarmadhi ashram.
so nehru started iit's and other research institutes to accelarate the growth of india by contributing to the science and technology of india. we know where we are in scinece and technology?.
having such a great tradition in teaching and learning we are still strugling to have our institution in atleast top 100 in world ranking. first of all we have to be clear that there is nothing called world standard and world class institution. there are amrican class intitutions, european class institutions and british class institutions. similarly we must make indian class institiutions. here comes the problem, for that we must have a good governance and good social sysytem, other wise everthing will reflect in our institution working style. personal ego, personal gain, casteism will definitely reflect in our education system. though this may not appear directly but this evils will be fertilized underneath.
these ranking are one way or another is a business tricks. they want to attract the students from the thrid world emerging economies. to be frank only 5 universities in usa, 5 universities in UK and 5 universities in europe will be impressively good. this is becuase they maintain a good tradition of teaching and motto. many students and teachers from abroad admired PU's teachers knowledge and the hostel facilities. iits had sucha great tradition of teaching no doubt about it, but what i see is that that tradition is going down. now everyone want to make maximum out of the brand name. some argues that following the
reservation will affect the standard of the iits. again this is not true.
first of all the institution not believing in the inclusive growth. this only shows their weakness. out of 100 seats 18 seats are given to reserved categories. let them be third class students. my question is what's wrong in admitting 18 students out of 100 in an institution and if you are not able to teach them , then what for government is paying such a high slary (just to remove nails)? a class must contains a mixture of students otherwise the staffs will go for other way of earnings. the teachears and the senate instead of giving lame excuses about their potential, a good teacher and senate members could accomodate them and give them the knowledge. here, what iam saying is not new. this is very much happening in state and central universities. a dean of central university taking a student in his bike to academic section and helping dalit students to solve their problems.
whereas here you are giving zero and four and creating a psychological fear:)
again this world class mania, we never call our teacher by name. i cant go and call sambhadamm, enna krishnamorthy? moorthy how are you? does it sound good. here the girls call him as vigneshhh ( i always remember vichuuu.... comedy) so they are in world class institution:) what actually happen is that these girls call him and mail and meaasge him in the night. whereas guys actually mind their business and they take it as usual as a course. when teacher compare students obiviously the one who had not called may visible as egoistic guy and it will take atleast 4 months to understand the real who he is? within that all sort damage a teacher might have done to that student. is it a world class institution attitude? thats what iam saying dont go for vichhhuuuu.... comedy business. there must be a real attitude change.
dont try to make pizza and sell in italy, this will not make us a world class, where as open a idly shop in newyork city and made them taste it, then naturally we will reach them. then it will go globally. instead of worring about world class, make those iits and iims to work for india and indians (for all the indians). then it will go globally. the senate and the directors need to carefully bring back the olden teaching tradition.
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