its all about the idea of giving back :) kalabiras in tamil history considered to be the dark age of tamils. most of the sangam lieratures and text were burned and tamils identities and deities were put outside the settlements. when the deities were put outside of settlement it is obivious the people were also put out and used merely for menial works by the new settlers. what happened and who is responsible? shockingly the man behind this dark age was none other than a tamil himself but spoken sanskrit he is CHANAKYA or vishnu gupta (got a clue). the background of tamil history and settlers could be explained later because its easy, but now i would like to shed light on dark age and to untie the knot.
history says chanakya was born in bihar (first mistake). chanakya the person who ran away from tamilnadu was hiden in bihar. till today bihar brahmins are known for equally ortodox with tamil brahmins. what actually happened? and why chanakya ran away from tamilnadu? its obivious, survival of the fittest. the tamil society was the idealistic society had mostly jains and buddhist, the king and kingdom had no attachment towards the religious affairs, the state strictly followed the secular approach in administration. chanakya from one group of brahmin had a realistic view or a moral free view in admistration and other affairs which only concentrates the winning factor, where as tamil way of warfare is entirely different, tamils put the women and children and old peoples in a safe place and war occurs in the isolated area where only the kings and warriors die. if we see the arthasatra it teaches completely the opposite way of warfare using women and kid as a war weapon. so the ideology clash and personal humiliation of chanakya by rulers who were not ready to accept his ideas made him to move away from tamil land and further more.there is a tamil proverb "the worm becomes the stink bee by receiving continuous stinks". this is what happened with chanakya. the nanda's in the north (sudhras) and pandhyas in the south were the son of soil. others were settlers. both the kingdom was overthrown by a single brain called chanakya. anyone can cross check with the chronology of tamil history and indian history. nandas were the one who insulted chanakya in their court.
surprisingly chanakyas first build empire was not built by a brahmin or satriy ka but again by a low birth person called chandra gupta!. when chanakya was insulted by a nanda ruler in the ministerial assembly, chanakya told them he would overthrow the kingdom itself. as usual they laughed at him and he walked out with great humiliation. while he was walking on the street he found a small boy called chandra gupta (later name, get a clue here skanda gupta) who was bravely playing warrior game with his friends though he was not from warrior class. actually mauriya derived from a word mayura, chandra gupta belong to the class of workers who collect peacock feathers and make decorative articles to home and other places. when chanakya found chandra gupta's bravery he asked his interest to learn the war tactics and other ministerial sciences, chandragupta was ready to go with chanakya and chanakya took chandra gupta with their parents permission. then how this surname gupta came. the literal meaning of gupt means "away from others" chanakya was away from others, chandragupta was away from others similalry chanakya chosen a group of people and took them away from others and train them in war skills and administrative skills. those people were gurellias and anti-social elements, according to governments. those group of people trained by chanakya overthrone nanda kingdom in north and infiltrated till satavahanas empire the present andhra. from here history book says the remaining story of kalabhiras are from andhra. though they established empire they couldnt able to infiltrate into tamilnadu as easily they had done in other regions. so they settled in andhra and got mixed with cholas. kalabiras= kalapirargal (the mixed race).
once accuried the tamil knowledge and tamil culture, through alliances and merger and accusition they could able to infiltrate into tamil land. if they truely loved our culture and land why they destroyed our literature and text and gods? the returned force from north was a sanskrit force which couldnt able to withstand with tamil text and knowledge. inorder to avoid further confusion and kios along with merger and accutition they deleted the brand name "tamil brand" and cameout with mixed brand name which we are using now. skanda gupta is a classic example.
there are lot of connections and fabrications in tamil history and indian history but chanakya was the single brain behind this establishment of indian empire which was not there in history.
Such a foolish document I have never read in my life. I think you have to learn English and write. Then you need to learn the history by reading 6th grade History (NCERT) book written by Romila Thaper.
ReplyDeleteits you who is in the midst of the tamils and shouting like a fool..
Deletetamil is found all around the globe
while your sanskirt is only found in the Hindia..
where did u got the reference for the above aricle