(the Tamil caption in the photo says that we all are relatives and all places are one)
India is a unique land among all the countries in the world ,it has given the world best religions such as Buddhism ,Jainism and so on.every thousand kilometer in India language changes ,culture changes. more than a country India is a subcontinent.historically and politically we were never united until 1947.no doubt we are still in the process of nation building.the history of India is purposefully not taught properly for a simple reason that might hamper the nation building process ,if we really consider north-eastern part of India as a part of India ,how many pages did our history books talk about short history of Nagas ,Manipuris etc? ,in fact Himalayas is the youngest mountain in India ,the oldest mountains are in the southern part of India,but our history starts from Himalayan region! ,nothing wrong in that.(still harappan civilization remains as a mystery to Indian history ,may be deliberately kept remain mystery).
coming to the topic madrasi is identified as a threat to the place where they goes(a very wrong conception that prevails among us) that is for one reason they too much stick to their identity.this was the statement that i heard from many.now tell me whats wrong in maintain ones own identity ?this is the era of multiculturalism and multilingualism,that means people from different culture and different languages some how they will come in contact ,now u cant say if u dont know french or Hindi go back to ur home ,that is absolutely stupidity.it our our highest level of ego that demands others to talk in the language that we know. (thank god i got very few good friends who are not polluted by these language mania).the jarawas and sentinals in the Andaman and Nicobar island don't know that they are part of India ,they are the best people .in their place there is no poverty,pollution,corruption and bombing ,but u know how we call them "primitives" ,because we are modernizing ourselves by losing our identities and greatness of our languages . the greatness of languages cannot be attained by forcing others to talk in our known language ,it comes out of wide understanding of ur own language(mother tongue).
if someone stick on to their culture and tradition,then others see them as problematic being. u know why?,many are losing their precious culture and values in the process of modernization where as our strong understanding towards culture and our identity makes us to have a balanced walk between modernization and traditional way of living,whomever lack this knowledge of balanced walk will always consider other tradition and culture as threat,we can find among kids ,when they play in group if some kids dropped their candy or chocolate in the sand ,those kids see that other kids also let down their candy in the sand ,for that they use all the means of teasing, small diplomatic games and so on... so its a part of human character.
when these kids grown they still remain kids in their thinking ,they play the same game with different people in different places ,one change that we can find among them is that they all modernized by their dressing and talking style.but still we are primitives and we happily call tribes as primitives,in many aspects they are far more better than us.
we need to understand that India is not a country first of all, its a subcontinent lets accept this fact first.but i whole heartedly accept the concept of unity in diversity. there is a vast difference between India and Europe.India first formed state and then it is trying to construct nation where as Europe first formed nation and over their nation they created the state.like the french nationals came together to form France similarly Germany,this is not the case in India.India's case is completely different.those who understand this basic difference will definitely appreciate India's diversity.
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