I always wonder about what is next? recently that came in my mind is this one, a small colloidal inorganic substance formed as unicellular organism(amoeba) in the ocean ,then came bicellular organism and reached to multicellular organisms such as amphibians reptiles and so on ... the last one that is known to us in the evolution process is human being( homo sapiens).the doubt that i have it in my mind is,The evolution must be a continuous process ,so what is the next level or stage of evolution?that is from human beings to WHAT?
what i feel is that evolution definitely occurs but in what way it occurs we have find it out ,one thing that iam sure is there is a diversion in human kind evolution ,before 2500 years we had Buddha and 2010 years before we had Jesus now whom we have ? so evolution must be next transformation of mind instead of metamorphosis of body ,what Buddha and Jesus gave it to mankind before 2000 years (the highest level of teaching to mankind )was missing. the transformation of mankind became very slow ,in fact we see Buddha and Jesus as a sample piece of peace and love .if we would have followed their words properly the evolution of mankind must have been faster and constructive,where as what we have now is just opposite and we are turned to be predatory in nature as long as our needs and wants are fulfilled we don't bother ab0ut others and their needs.which is completely against human nature .it is sure that we came from monkey (animals )and have we ever seen any animal living individually? (alone is different,individually is different)we can live alone at the same time we can take care of the needs of the others, living individually is not considering about others but only about oneself ,this is the evolution that we reached now which is against the human nature and against the teachings of the forward thinkers like Buddha and Jesus. why iam using Buddha and Jesus is that the intensity of their thought was so strong 2500 years before when we were fighting and killing each other like carnivorous .
what i feel is that , human beings are constantly traveling from the paradigm of realism to idealism ,so the real evolution according to me will be permanent shift from realism to idealism paradigm where the human beings can live in peace and love .we may feel this as Utopian but remember when we were monkeys we were never thought about sending satellites and bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki ,so we cannot say this as also Utopian if those things are possible definitely positive evolution can also be possible.This could be the constructive evolution ,from these examples we can understand what sort of evolution that we are undergoing .Only human beings kill another human beings for no reason ,a lion hunt only when it feels hungry ,no animal kill its own member in the same herds without reason but we human beings do it in the name of language ,ethnicity and so on ..the Tamils are mercilessly killed by its own state in srilanka and in Palestine,the powerful Israel completely deny basic rights to the Palestine people.To plunder the natural resources china completely involved in the cultural genocide of Tibet (only army less state in the world)and we can all climb that we belong to same kind called human kind.the main reason is that the mad running behind materialism ,is it the evolution that we are thinking about? the answer could be NO because its against animal nature forget about human nature .we don't want to do big research to understand this statement just read and compare the intensity of knowledge and values that exist in the classical literature work and the contemporary work it can be any language literature work ,there is something missing in our modern works which fails to keep us intact with fellow beings.Now we are BUSY in studying how to communicate effectively ?i had seen in national geography channel that elephants and other animals convey their messages properly through some ultrasonic waves. we have mouth and language and we are studying "how to communicate effectively"?these are the symptoms that says that we are going away from the actual evolution. so the evolution with human beings will be the human beings with more consciousness and conscience.
this video shows the extra judicial killing of Tamils by sri lankan army in sri lanka.
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