We all have the capacity for knowledge,and education should develop the potential,since it requires knowledge of goodness to manage a community well- Plato's republic
Recently i went for interview to a lecturer post in a central university ,There every one knows me and also i know them (actually that was the problem).I appeared for the interview ,with masters degree and NET (national eligibility test for lecturer ship) in International area studies. i was waiting in the veranda along with other candidates .There one female candidate asked another one man about the difference between politics and political science as a discipline, his reply to that lady was shocked me ,he told there was nothing big difference in it .great! he got selected because he was PHD degree holder!.Me was send back because of their parental care towards me and another one strong point they placed in front of me is that i don't have PHD degree.from the above explanation we can understand what is the standard of phd degree that our institutions are producing.if phd is the highest degree for job then why our federal government conducting NET exam ,whom did the government and the system making as a fool? ,if any one appered for net exam they must be knowing ,to clear net ,it deserves some subject knowledge as i told earlier(clear understanding of some concepts)infact many questions that i attended in the net exam which were not learned in my masters curriculum ,so i felt very happy when i cleared net.those happiness became nothing when i was send back blaming as non phd holder. one of my prof told about 66% of phd that produced in madras university is repeated one and in delhi this is a big business .
iam not blaming the educated intelligentsia's those who are exceptions like my guide and and new faculties in my dept they are awesome.iam just blaming the system ,why we should follow the old scale of measuring the intelligence .again one head ache is the pages in the social sciences. your dissertation must be 250gm to half a kg (?) both the candidate and the examiner do not know what they had done.the content will be there which they want to explain to the panel but do they explain the gist of all the 50 pages or all the 50 pages are really relevant to the topic? this is not the students problem it is the system that forces them and existing mind set among the teachers.a guy might have studied much and necessarily written something .coz research deserves lot of learning ,when u really start to work on the topic so many questions will arise in u r mind and u will feel everything as important so it takes at lest 3 months to clarify to ur self that what ur doing ,this work will be going on in the mind, we can't put this in the paper.His or her real understanding of the subject can be tested by asking valid questions related to the topic ,not about comma ,full stop, capital letter ,small letter and so on.that's the reason why social science in India is not taken seriously .there is a tremendous need of educational reforms and curriculum changes in Indian education pattern .i must have scored very high if i would have taken philosophy of mind ,philosophy of development ,psychology paper and so on,but i stick to the standard of the degree and i opted most of the paper which i do not know anything and my grade in those paper was very low but honestly i have intrinsic satisfaction that i learned something in these one and half year.so what i want to say is that if u try to be a part of this stinky system learning process actually getting slow ,and if ur going to swim against the stream of the system pain will be high.And only time will teach us which is fruitful in the long run.
i am very sure for the better India we need better education pattern .with this education pattern we can only produce effective clerks and not a wild thinkers and innovators ,for instance i can even say IIT'ans are trained to repeat it effectively of what they were taught and they are not much taught, to come out of the box ,if u climb them as the best of the best mind in India,how many noble laureates came form IIT and what is their effective contribution in the field of science and technology in India?,many times their arguments seems to be ridiculous to me in terms of social sciences ,this clearly shows the vast gap in their understanding between the reality and education that they are undergoing.Dr.A.P.J.Abdul kalam is not an iit student (this is one another vast topic to discuss separately).,so, countries that are grown well such as korea ,japan ,china ,and other asian tigers(countries) were heavily invested in the education pattern and updated their education system which today remain as the economically, regionally powerful countries.
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