End sem ,second phase of dissertation ,preparations for next step ,bit tension of what will be the next move in life. Butterflies of these kind flying in my silent valley (brain).In the midst of these butterflies i am pushed to talk about a dragon fly ,that is 2012. so many hyper had made by media's and gossipers. some of the strong justifications for their hyper is that Mayan calender comes to an end on december 21 2012 .Nastradamous predictd about the new change on december 21st morning.Greek and Roman ancient oracles too talk about 2012 further it is supported by Chinese and Tibetans astrological predictions.
what 2012 is mean to us ?Definitely it will be the turning point in the history and civilization of man kind.if so then by what ways? If we see the the predictors who were highly cautious were from the west.Take mayan predictions for instance their civilization was Meso american civilization and Nostradamus from Europe. They know clearly that the their region will be in the highest receiving end. Surprisingly the mayan prediction diagrams shows that after 2012 there will be vanish of most of human race but the black and the brown remain unaffected and other pictures are in half. This can be understood from geographical perspective too.there is a possibility of losing at lest 1/3rd of our race or land.
Mayans known for their astonishing predictions they had very good contact with the heavenly bodies and super natural powers.Their calender says at DEC 21,2012 our earth will be in the completion of 26,000 cycles period.On that day there will be a geological change of new mountains ,rivers (god pls gives give some rivers for Tamilnadu too ,which can be independent of neighbor states)and lakes .its almost like flushing out of in western toilet.but iam sure this will never be the end of the world ,it will only be the end of one cycle.but why mayans stoped there ?this may be because they might understood that will be the end of their race or land,because they clearly predicted that on may 5th some year in 1500's there would arrive the white bearded god ,accurately on the 5th may the spanish missionaries arrived in mayan world and after that mayans retreated from their mayan world to agricultural farms.this incidence the mayans quoted as the major change in their civilization but not vanishing of their land or people but 2012.......
Coming to Nostradamus predictions ,He in his quatrains said on the 2012 morning their will be CHANGE. change of what ?change of geography ,change of politics and more over change of people attitude over environment. There is a possibility that America will lose its sole super power status ,since sun come at that center of the galaxy it is not good for world leader(Obama).There will be a power shift from the west to the oriental east or at least the remaining power in west will not neglect the thoughts and the ideas of the oriental east as it is doing now .This will be the first step in the power shift from the west to east.
siddhars know this as a part of cycle of earth. we have unrecorded stories of kadal koal( ocean atrocities) the fist sangam was founded in the madurai (not the existing madurai) which was engulfed by sea the secong sangam was formed in kapadapuram,this was also lost in sea ,these two cities were located in the kumari kandam (lemuria continent) later on the third sangam was shifted to the present madurai.though this may be unacceptable story for historians, it has got a lot to say about the cycles of earth. They understood this types of cycles as a part of earth and heavenly bodies evolution process,so they were worked to find solution to sustain man kind from this problem.
The greatness of Nostradamus predictions is that ,till today none of his predictions had failed.This is due to the constellations that he used.All astrologers use 12 constellations for their predictions the 13th one remain secret and invisible. Nostradamus used this 13th constellation for his predictions. In siddha tradition 13 is the number belong to kala bhairava.there are eight directions as we know but on 2012 the sun comes at the center of the galaxy and black out earth from receiving the the energy and radiations from the center of the galaxy for its survival (only five years before west understood that there exist black hole at the center of our galaxy ,Mayans knew about black hole before few thousand years and siddhars considers centre as direction too) This blocking of energy path will leads to poles shift(Einstein scientifically warned about pole shift) and climatic atrocities and so on.siddhars gave directions to every planets for instance north to Jupiter(guru) and center has been given to kethu ,kethu is for unpredictable changes.This is the reason why the regional upholders of siddha tradition insisting on the worship of lord kala chakra bhairava.he related to the 13 th constellation,a lord of time factor , destruction of evils and bringing the new changes .Nostradamus too wrote about change on 2012 morning.On that day night will be longer so that change can take place !and dawn will take some times to come.
Again iam reminding it is not the end of the world it is only the end of 26,000 cycles period.So next cycles will continue with changes,In the new cycle of earth there will be another dimensions in every understandings too.
Me too eagerly waiting to cross check my understandings and to experience 2012!