thiruvannamalai(abode of siddhars)

thiruvannamalai(abode of siddhars)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

village mysterious stories that i heared

Not very long, just before one generation ie.,my mother's grand mother period ,people in the villages had seen guardian gods ,we have god who protect the village by remaining in the exterior of the settlements those gods are sodalai{living in grave yard}, muni ,karuppu ,veeran and so on.The people say these gods go for a rond with horses , dogs and small subordinate deities some say we can even find flames moving in the night.
surprisingly gods such as karuppu{black spirit}guides the village people in decision making ,it even says many personal things to the person who approaches and it gives suggestions too.we have to remember these practices remained in the world oldest civilizations such as Maya ,Inca and even in Egypt{these three were extinct civilizations}.
people of wicked character or who committed adultery will afraid to trespass this deity temple surroundings .They afraid that the guardian god gives nightmare to them.This belief and practice still exist.
There is a big banyan tree in my grand pa's native . During the summer we sleep on the varanda or in the entrance of the house ,next day we went to play under the tree {it is a shelter for all gamblers,kudimagangal{drunkard people}etc ,nobody took serious about we small boys noticed that we identified that a medium size branch of banyan tree was broken when i was asked about the reason to my friends they told probably last night muni{a gardian deity which is good for good people and bad for...} could have have been played that's why the branch was broken.earlier night there was no heavy wind or storm.
when it comes to belief i never apply my sixth sense too much ,afterall its their belif its not going to stop India from signing the nuclear deal and these people not much known about recession and lavish spending by elites institutions which enjoying a lot because India consist of largest middle class population who cant escape from the tax paying.
There might be a scientific reason behind everything of the stories that prevails ,but these stories and beliefs remains as a yard stick to measure their code and conduct,which makes them to live in hrmony with nature and fellow beings.

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