thiruvannamalai(abode of siddhars)

thiruvannamalai(abode of siddhars)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Tibetan Book of Dead: A Real Life Example Approach

According to karl Marx “knowledge progress in leisure time” that’s why he insisted on the limitation of time and effort towards production mode. Actually he want the society to remain in humanistic in nature, which was lacking during his time. Karl mark articulated the importance of leisure, nature and well being of labor and laborers because he was roamed as a footloose, vagabond and dead beat in the streets of London. As always he was remembered for other ideologies. Hence the importance of leisure is understood. In a similar manner literature develops in leisure and the influence of the existing period. If the person belong to the sangam age , then the literature is mostly on love, war and dialogue between husband and wife. When the time period moves much later on sangam age, then the literure talks about devotion, epic work based on heroic happenings and so on. Similarly there is a age called dark age, where mostly the scholars and thinkers were narcotized by the underworld writings. The height of this underworld writings were between 8th century AD to 10th century AD. Like our present black magicians (daughters of wind) they also, the scholars of those period thought they could everything and anything under the narcotized mood. And one such a work that emerged in the 8th century AD is ‘Bardo Thodol”( the Tibetan book of dead) written by Padmasambhva a black magician by nature.

Padmasambhava et al:

Padmasambhava was born in Orissa and became a Buddhist preacher who took Buddhism to Tibet. He was actually caught in Orissa for teaching black magic to the princess, found teaching some unnecessary stuff’s to the princess, so he was actually identified as a culprit by the Orissa royal court. Later on the story says both the king and princess became his follower, though this is not surprising, because this could also be a manipulated story since he was the forerunner of Tibetan Buddhism. But one thing is sure; he could able to write the book only because he underwent the process of transition to the higher level. It is 100% sure as once he lost in transition he started to write the book of dead. Because while reading about his life history, it is said padmasambhava moved to an isolated cave and practiced meditation. If we take the life history of Buddha, once if you get enlightenment, you can t be in isolation. You started to move towards the society to share your knowledge. That’s how Buddha went to the saranath park to meet the people. Whereas padmasambhava went to an isolated cave, a reverse process due to grief and anxiety. i.e., he lost in transition. Similarly if we take the teachings of vallalar medicine. In one place he insisted to take bath with breast milk. In week once or four days once. It is soo true that he had a bizarre way taming the body, whatever it is how an individual could get breast milk from a women under normal condition like getting a cup of sugar or chilly powder from the neighbor?? So definitely he also had something. Which is not desired by the real divine world. !! therefore once they lost in transition they start to write those dark world stuffs, as their contribution to the society or literature which is nothing but another one waste work. For them it’s a sort of winning a “complimentary prize”!!

“Tibetan Book of dead” with real life examples.

This book is actually a guide for dead people to accompany him in the next world journey. This book have to read, when you come to know that your days are near or you have to read to someone who is on his death bed. Literally, it’s a guide for death journey and happy return  which is not at all possible. The book explains the journey in three stages (Three Bardo). Where the liberated soul from the human body will meet and encounter both the devas and asuras elements in the sky and book reminds the soul to recognize those asuras and devas beings and act accordingly (basically more than a tips, it’s a bit paper to pass in the exam). The incarnation, rebirth and cancellation of human birth will happen during this 15 days journey of soul in the sky constellations.

Death and the beginning of journey.

Medically when the heart stop’s functioning then you are dead. According to this book “once the awareness is freed from the body then you are dead” literally means when your senses are dead and there is a communication gap between the body and soul, then you are dead. Means losing the buddhahood or humanhood. So the death arrived to the individual through the awareness gap between the body and soul. Here starts our journey to the constellation world. This is the stunning truth about death. When you near to die, you feel cold and you could sense sort of shivering and chilling of body. That’s it, then you could see an utter dark except one person standing with dark bluish colour , who is short in nature, and that person is soo bright like white light. He is the one who decides your journey. If he is not allowing to the awareness to be freed from the body then your not dead. Within 10 minutes you will wake again. The proof is only this book. According to this book, “once your awareness is separated from the body, you are dead, in that condition, there appear one deity”. Who will take our soul to fulfill the 15 days journey and judgement. This stage is full of chaos and confusion. The individual can’t recognize anything, so the padmasambhava want this book to be read to those in death bed as a guide to remove the confusion in journey.

In our village, we ask for words and works to be carried out after their death in the family. Usually that will be the blessings, confessions and handing over the last child to the most responsible person in the family. Once this is done, they themselves ask for building a cemetery and they will tell the place also. My grand father’s father and mother was the last one to ask for cemetery with mentioning the place. Till today no one asked for cemetery while they are in the death bed. In this case mostly we burn the dead. Once the cemetery is raised, we worship them as a guarding deity. Over the cemetery we place shiva lingam and infront of shiva lingam the will be a nandi (bull). When I asked the purpose of nandhi before the dead one’s cemetery, my grandmother told, the dead one will reach the kailasam (abode of lord shiva), by holding the tail of this bull, means the journey begins through nandhi. As per the words of padmasambhava once you are dead,” there appears a deity”!!

15 days journey:

The 15 days journey is divided into three bardos. (Three Stages). Two bardos will occur in 14 days, the third bardo on the 15th day. The 15th day is the judgment day. Once the soul started its journey, it has to undergo 14 titrations, and depends on the weightage of karma the pulls down the possibilities of reincarnation, rebirth and cancellation of human birth.

1) In bardo one, the soul meets lord shiva (the ultimate realtiy) and the most powerful of the holy trinity. The soul gets repels from the ultimate reality, padmasambhava expolains this ultimate reality as “ALL-GOOD BUDHA” ( a clear light of consciousness). Once the soul gets reflection/rejection from the ultimate reality, it means the death soul is no longer eligible to become shivam , the shivahood (the highest reality). So your soul is no more a dharma-kaya , means the clear the light, kaya means body.

2) Then the soul meets the divine father and mother together (shiva and sakthi), the aspiration for becoming the son of god is getting canceled here once the soul is not absorbed by both the divine forces. Here the souls are getting eligible for avathars, once the divine father and mother accepts the soul.

3) So the rejected soul’s travel continues for second day, where it meets the second highest god among the gods. This god is the joy of pure heart, if it is not liberated the soul, Then the rejected soul by the second highest god, will lose their position in heaven. So the soul travels further away from the heaven to find its position in the constellations.

4) On the third day, the soul is prepared for human world. Here the soul underwent the process of not joining with the ultimate reality and not joining with the joy of pure heart. So the soul is prepared for human reincarnation based on the karma weigtage.

5) So on the fourth day the soul meets the god of eternal life (Kethu). According to hindu mythology, this god took the elixr which gives eternal life. Here this god sanction the birth depends on the miserliness and wicked activities of an individual. If the soul is wicked , its directed to the dark world (low painful birth).

6) On the fifth day, the soul meets the god of warrior (again kethu), this time the soul will definitely put to the underworld as a painful warrior. Planet Pluto rules underworld. Fear towards Pluto’s will leads to destruction.

7) The sixth day of journey is an interesting one. A sunya (zero philosophy) this day the soul is not going to meet any god, but this day is the deciding day of either human birth or demonic birth. Very interesting, because the diversion takes place in journey. That means the individual don’t have an influence of both Jupiter and Saturn. Because Jupiter enhances expanses and Saturn rules contraction. Since your karma are not favoring the expansion (further journey) your journey is stopped by Saturn and diverted to the second level in constellation. ie low human or animal birth.

8) On the seventh day, the soul meets the god of knowledge, final chance for human birth. If soul is rejected here it will take up animal birth. So from here onwards the souls travels towards the bhutha loka (demonic world). Cruel death, painful life are sanctioned here. Like this the soul undergoes another 7 days journey which could be full wrathful and fearful visions.

Third Bardo

On the 15 day the third bardo starts, here the soul is subjected to judgment by yama. The explanations and justifications are asked here for our karma and deeds. All our actions and evil activities will be shown in the mirror, where the soul could be the spectator of its own activities. Padmasambhva consoles the death one not to get scare of the mirror, it’s just a reflection of our mind activities. So he encourages to argue confidently  once the soul found guilty, it is put to third degree of liberation as animals. Here ends the 15 days journey and judgement for rebirth.

Some of the reflections:
1) The whole work is seems to be a crap !!

2) The author writes and convince this work as a guide for death, because the soul will be in complete confusion, my point is when the soul itself in confusion then how it could remember this guide??

3) Most of the Tibetan works are copied ones from Indian literature (mostly from Nalanda University). When we have practices but not literature on these subjects shows, the tamil scholar community not ready or found useless like this work. Because a tamil saint called pattinathar says “ even a hole less needle will not accompany you in journey” means you cant even take a broken needle with you when you are dead.

4) Moreover the journey is true and acceptance and rejections of souls are true in the constellations, but giving a guide is bit too much for the journey. It’s like your camera requires particular battery depends on your camera model. If your deeds are good you will be absorbed either in the jupitr or Saturn constellation, these two are best and deciding factor. Similarly a warrior birth is absorbed by Pluto and so on.

5) There are twelve constellations and 14 days journey. First day is death and entry, and sixth day is soonya where the diversion takes place due to lack of both Saturn and Jupiter. 12+2=14 days and the 15th day is a date with yama (then lord of death) where the rebirth as human or animal is decided. Finally in our customs by 16th day we close all our death ceremonies by having oil bath and non-veg food. Interstingly on the 16th day we check his position in the constellation, our astrologers could predict about his rebirth condition and his death impact over the family.

So this is not known only to padmasambhava, it was a common practice in our place. First day vazhikuttal (making way for his journey). Whether important person or relatives are there are or not, once the person is dead, immediately we make way for his journey. Vazhikkuttal is taking the soul out of village and leaving the soul at the entrance of burial ground with few objects and while coming to home from burial ground we don’t look back.

Then the second day is Paal (milk offering), second day is the date where the soul meets the divine father and mother. Its very clear to us, shiva is the ultimate, so on the second day, people here trying to purify the soul by giving milk bath. Milk bath is the sign of purification. Then on the eigth day we have ‘Ettan Thukkam” again there is some offerings of food and other small rituals. Finally we have Karumaathi on the 16th day. Just cross check these days with the Padmasambava’s explanation the journey of souls. i) Second day it meets the divine father and mother, so milk bath is given for purification. ii) eight day, the soul has a last chance of human rebirth by meeting the god of knowledge, so we are communicating something on this day by offering food and emotions of separations. iii) Sixteenth day, we are winding everything and cleaning the home with cow’s liquids. And we check his constellation conditions and finally the ceremony closes with grand feast. What is there in library as a holy text is actually with our culture. Similarly what is there in the text must be with our characters then we could say “don’t worry your stars will take care” actually this is what truth is. You are destined according to your karma or activites. There is a nice tamil proverb, Don’t expect a paddy if you sown an oil seed. !! To end all these in a single phrase “kaayamae ithu poyada verum kaatru adaitha paiyadaa”- Meaning is “this body is fake which is nothing but air filled ballon”-siddhar song.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Nostradamus Misinterpreted

Nostradamus Misinterpreted

After 500 years of my prophesies my son will explain the real meaning of my prophesies”- Nostradamus. we know,there is lot of discussion and many scholars  tried to interpret the real meaning of Nostradamus writings, like the way every woman tried wearing Karnan’s mother saree. Actually speaking unless until he clearly quoted the place and the person and the time period of his prophesies, it is really difficult to interpret his prophesies. Just to make sure that his work is not a false prophesies, he mentioned the historical personalities name, place and time period of the event. And that’s why few of his prophesies could able to figure it out correctly. Now the question is, despite being a secret document, written in secret place, Why Nostradamus camouflaged his work?

The answer is his paris visit. Heared about Nostradamus efficiency in predictions, he received a call from paris to know about the future of the king. Nostradamus has to travel 500km in horse from solon to Paris. It was not a pleasant and a pleasant experience. However it was this journey that made Nostradamus to be a prophet, saint like person and a predictor of dooms day. When nostarmus went to the court, he predicted personally about the future of the king to the queen. But nostardamus expressed his fear of even beheading him by the court. So there was mal/bad condition exist in the court. He could able to come out of the court with help of a secret women who came to his room in the night with a message, and he says “she deserves my respect by seeing her face”, means it was not scaring! Obviously he was scared by the situation exist. (nostramus exactly told like this). So it is evident that because of his predicting skill he was caught in the court. It was a time where Galileo Galili and other natural scientist were put to death to talk or prove against the church fait of “WORLD IS FLAT” ! So the irritated Nostradamus starts to write and camouflage his work about end time. But why he has to do it? From his writing s and predictions, we could able to understand about the character and personality of Nostradamus. He is a country man (country brute!) with introvert personality, like an average common village citizen. To prove this personality trait,. This example could help to understand. If a village man or woman who goes to the astrologer, his conversation will be like this. Suppose if he/ she talking about the marriage, first question will be, 1) will he/she get marry, 2) when this event will happen? 3) where is his/her groom/ bridegroom? 4) What are the available obstacles to be answered? This is how conservation happens between the astrologer and the person who needs information. Just fix the predictions of Nostradamus with this dialogue. it exactly coined in this style. For example in the similar manner he explained about HITLER, 1) he will come from the poor family (background, who is he), 2) he will cross the river (from where, he will come) 3) he seduces the crowd and lead to destruction (what is his purpose). in four lines he explained about Hitler and his purpose (since, there is an intrinsic understanding, he wrote, a boy born in a poor family…and destruction is a destruction.) I don’t want to talk about the shortcoming that we are facing to understand his writings. Because we know it’s an age of mathematical computation to make a tea or make a family!

After coming from paris, a fed up Nostradamus started to work on the prophesies of end days. Because it’s obvious for us to this think, when this shit situation will come to an end. Then by realizing the threat he underwent, he camouflaged his work just to keep the important happening s under cover. Because more than fame he wants the event to happen and he knows his audience would be handful in numbers.

Is it really an end of the world?

There is a tamil proverb’ when a cat closes its eyes, it thinks the whole world became dark” this is what happening now. Mayan calendar coming to an end on 2012, December 21,. Your calendar and my calendar still have December 22, 2012. And funny part is Mayan’s don’t exist now (its an extinct civilization) so are you all Mayans?? To talk in terms of Hindu calendar its an end of kali yugam, only mayan calendar started twelve years ahead of Hindu calendar, so its obvious that exact kaliyugam comes to an end after twelve years according Hindu calendar compare to mayan calender. THIS IS THE HAPPIEST NEWS TO HEAR THAT KALIYUGAM IS COME TO AN END!!! This is not the human friendly period, where the good people, honest people, people off high birth will lose everything, the sun and black magic will be very powerful and so on. Want a proof from Nostradamus

Fille de l'Aure, aƒyle du mal ƒain,

Ou jusqu'au ciel ƒe void l'amphitteatre

Prodige veu, ton mal eƒt fort prochain

Seras captive, & deux fois plus de quatre.- Nostradamus ,Century VI-100.

Mayans and other few tribes in this world are daughters of wind and bad saints, your time comes an end, its very clear in the sky chart. In the second time you will be captured in the second but not exceeding the fourth round.

"Euge, Tamins, Gironde & la Rochelle,


When we hit our car or make an accident, then only we could climb our insurance and we can get the better model car with better features. Is it a curse??? How long a good people have to suffer like this, those who know to love and live, is not getting employment and girl to marry, its not a boy or agirl problem, it’s a suitutaion that spoils everything. Nothing is assured and stables in this period, isint it painful and irritating to live like this? Finishing studies at 25 age, getting married at 27, getting child at 30 and making family in peaceful atmosphere is the bliss environment. Are we having this environment? Monkeys are happy, those banana eating monkeys making another monkeys happy. What about us humans, chosen by god, who know to love and live?? Is it’s a dooms day or dooms work or dooms predictions? Good people will never forsaken by god and cheaters and crooked souls have to accept the nature’s judgment. Because nature DON’T LIKE OVERSMART!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


“Pour l'abondance de l'arme respanduë

Du haut en bas par le bas au plus haut

Trop grande foy par ieu vie perduë,

De soif mourir par habondant deffaut”. - Nostradamus

From 2000 onwards there are lot skeptic thoughts about the end of the world and third world war and so on. We had First World War, second world war and expecting or anxious about third world war. Many scholars reading between the lines of Nostradamus predictions, to understand the events, and consequences of third world war. It is very sure that third world war will be the end of world despite mayan calendar comes to an end. Nostradamus predicted many things and surprisingly he even named some of the world leaders with 995% accuracy like HISTER (hitler), OBAMA (mabus) and so on. He even foretold about his death and the date of opening his coffin, the opener shall be shot dead on the spot and it happened exactly. The Nostradamus coffin opener was shot dead by a soldier mistook as revolutionary roaming in graveyard. Such a great predictor only told about star alignments and planetary movements and happenings but not dates and time. Purposely fully Nostradamus had done that. Remembering rajini dialogue in movie “when you learn your date of death then your remaining days of life will be like hell” this is reason Nostradamus not quoted the date and year. Many scholars predicted the date andyear based on his planetary and star alignment quotes. I myself crosschecked many dates and year are wrongly interpreted by them. For instance when he told number 7 will be accomplished, scholar went to the extent of 700 years, 2160 AD and so on. Its actually 2016 AD, because he considered this whole century period turmoil and turbulence so last two number has to be counted to recollect the events. Then only its matching with the name MABUS !


Before the third world war there’s going to be a great famine and loss of cross, species and cultivable land. Clean drinking water may not be available. There will be famine from the region of rodes to geneva. There will be fire from the heaven and because of that cultivation and fishing will get affect. The world economy will face a heavy damage and loss. There will be a shortage of food grains. When the eagle (USA ) gets weaken that will further deteriorate the situation. In diplomacy there will be betrayal, cunning and cheating will take palace. To quote from the words of Nostradamus (leeches and wolves ….). so before third world first heaven start to fire (trigger of destruction) then the chain reaction will take place of betrayal of nations among nations even killing of world leaders. The clergy (leeches and wolves) will play a fatal role in destruction through diplomacy . people and leaders cant figure out the situation and happening. Nostradamus literally scolding the leeches and wolves who will play undergame. To quote from nostardamus the leech attached to the wolf ….. and kids will be on the streets. It seems he is very much concerned about kids many places he used the word kids (migt also to create awareness about the happenings). It is 100% sure that Nostradamus had great love for paris and france. He told tears in my eyes while writing about the fall of paris and desolation of Paris city. Byzantine , Cyprus and moore will undergo heavy loss. USA will play a game here and there ( as usual) but the sorrow is both obamas will have tragic end (one might escape, based on deeds) !! And he says one lady will be in senseless position and she will come back after hearing the bell sound (literally means disturbing noise). To quote from Nostradamus ‘the weak eagle will sent to tent”. So before third world war, there will be fire from heaven following that food shortage and political betrayal and commencement of war.


One member in the organization will not join with any one, whereas the leech will attach to the wolf. (hope its clear now). There will emerge the fear of GREAT EAST (the nation with red flag) . It will be the night mare for every nation. After the assassination (attempt) of obama (!) there will be a massive hit in USA. The vaccum of the position of world leader will make the great east to take firm steps towards the world leader position. First USA might wage war on the hostile nation following USA many countries will start to form alignment. The nation with red flag remains alone. The first phase of war will not allow the usage of nuclear weapon instead the red nation will use a beast and fumes. That will be the horrifying experience. It may not be of our expectation but extra powerful weapon that could tear the skin of rhinoceros is suggestible because Nostradamus quotes the beats “Sans pied ne main dent ayguë & forte Par globe au fort de porc & l'aisné nay..” (Neither foot nor hand sharp and strong tooth Globe by strong pork & the elder/wrinkle skin nay).

Then the breaching of the treaty will take place. There will be a usage of hard weapons and death toll will be high. The war will get intensify. At first France will not be a part of 5 member team who will be neutral (india, Russia, Britain, ……., ………) because the pope will use france and there will be shift in leadership and people of france will face heavy loss and pain because of this alienations. The pope will use france to restore his position in world order and France will face the consequence because of that. Great toll of death and destruction will be there.


Le temps present auecques le passé

Sera iugé par grand Iouialiste,

Le monde tard luy sera lassé,

Et desloyal par le clergé iuriste- Nostradamus

The tired leaders of the world by the cunningness and cheating of the wolves and leeches will call a prince from four parts of the world. He will change the course of the war and the alliances. After a miraculous escape (pioison dans la salmon) he collect the 5 member team, now france will be with the five member team and he get strong support from two fork nations which will be an unexpected alliance (India and Russia ) and the war happens only for seven days , there will be haul and cry over day and night, there appear two suns and everything will be end in 3 days. This person will be viewed as a comedian who is actually a great hermes and messenger (century X, 72,73,75). The world will take too much of time to realize.


“La ƒangƒë au loup ƒe ioindra,

Lors qu'en mer le bled defaudra,

Mais le grand Prince ƒans enuie,

Par ambaƒƒade luy donra

De ƒon bled, pour luy donner vie,

Pour vn beƒoin s'en pouruoira”- Nostradamus

The leeches will attach with the wolf for survival and there will be a scarcity of food grains, this prince without any envy will share his food grains with the world people (SATAN!). the door s will be opened for the women and kids, the foods and water will be transported from his place. The desolated kids will be collected and brought up there. To quote from Nostradamus “Pres du portail desloyal se transporte, Silene luyt petit grand emmené” the great east fear will come to an end, the clergies are no more in higher order. Then the golden rays of Saturn emerge and it gives new hope to life on earth, there will be new plants, animals and species and the life sustain for another 1370 years after that second ice starts.


Nothing going to happen in nearby years. Lets say for another 25 years there wont be any threat except of fumes of wars and small clashes. Its all start in the venus eclipse and it goes for 2.5 year (two phases of world war) when Saturn transition takes place dawn arises and new life and hope emerges. Until then happy SHOPPING AND FEAST FOR HOLLOWEEN. Who, Nostradamus call as leech? the clue is the physics scientist responsible for the doom (exactly he quoted).

Wednesday, September 5, 2012



Now we will find the existing two groups (saivites and vaisnavites)  real history through folk stories and social setup and their practices with stunning historical support.this is not to justify but to confirm that part III is right. Before knowing who is akkini veeran let us know about Madurai veeran.

Madurai Veeran (Had Two Wives Vellaiamma And Bommaai)
Madurai veeran a strong, intelligent and good looking lad from a vaisnavite clan married vellaiamma. The then king who admired his valour and intelligent appointed him as commander of the force that suppress the kallars (litellary means bandits or thieves). Madurai veeran had a good wrap the king and this made a jealous feel to the commanders . they were waiting for an opportunity to pull him down. Madurai veeran had a lover called bommaai (bommulu) the king was actually not happy about Madurai veeran affair with bommulu (eating in same home/affair in same clan). Using this opportunity of breach in relationship the other commanders (crocodiles) caught Madurai veeran while making love in kings court and they informed to king that the head of the bandits was caught in kings court.

Along with the information that Madurai veeran is not doing his allotted work, so the angered king asked the other commander to behead (!:) the so called bandit leader without any formal court trials. It was done in the night itself and Madurai veterans limbs and head were removed from the body and torso was left. Knowing this the two wives of Madurai veeran collected his torso, head and limbs and entered into the cave which is beneath the Madurai meenakshi amman temple. The folk story end here. Thirumalai nayakar was the first king to construct separate temple for Madurai veeran. Madurai veeran is azahagar and now he became kallazagar like the way kallars became devars (they were once categorized by british government as denotified tribes) !

Vellaiamma and Bommaai
There is no temple for vellaiamma or bommaai as far as I know this vellaiamma is muthalamma because akkini veeran and muthalamman are brother and sister. Akkini veeran is having the chopped head underneath and muthalamman is having a begging bowl in her hand ,probably she might killed the rival commander of Madurai veeran (thundilkaran thodukkadukkum marimuthu). Bommaai or bommulu is identified as Madurai veeran’s lover. To strengthen this understanding. Akki veeran’s clan is called as mother home for muthalaamman(thai veedu). Hence after our padayal (offerings) the next offerings come from the vaisnavites and they don’t mix with us in poojas and offerings and finally the third will be another group (the clue is here). The sepration of the two group (shiva and Vishnu )is made by rival commander (a crocodile) by killing Madurai veeran. Now its clear about Madurai veeran and the reason for the cut of cultural exchange between the two.

Akkini Veeran and Periyanayaki (clue is Nayagan and Nayaki)
Like others me also thought that the existing statue of akkini veeran was the image given to the spirit. After a keen observation I found the statue holds a deep meaning and value about the lakshana’s of the god. The staue was constructed around 40 years before and the constructer was from the earlier century because he was in his 90’s when the statue was constructed by him. During that time the village was completely remote and akkini kattu was in prevalent usage. Hence the lakshana’s are taken from the holy text akkini kattu . so the answer for the question is SHIVA. He is lord shiva and his clan members are shiva’s clan.

From my mother side our clan deity is akkini veeran and from my father side our clan diety is periyanayaki . What is special about this clan deity?? Periyanayagi is the clan diety for raja raja colan and rajendra cholan family. The proof fro this is the temple which was constructed by rajendra cholan in jeyamkondam has goddess name as periyanayaki. Whereas in tanjore when raja rajan constructed brahadeeshwara temple he didn’t made temple for goddess (lone deity like akkini veeran) later on pandya king added female deity to brahadeeshwara (bruhaspahi means guru) temple. This big temple is also called as peruvudaiyaar koil and their clan deity is periyanayaki.

Hence it is clear that akkini veeran is lord shiva with ferocious form. Now let’s see how come periyanayaki could be a common deity for both pandya’s and chola’s ? The answer is VELIR INATHAVARGAL (the pale white race). This velir inathavargal WERE once known for their chastity and good conduct. The kings and emperors were usually had alliance with this velir inathavargal. Basically they were original vasinavites came with pandya rulers. Once the pandyan kingdom were ransacked and his subjects scattered, these people alone had a wrap with the ruling class by having marriage alliances. The proof is king raja rajan mother was a tamil velir enam and father was a kalapirar (mixed). Raja rajan father name is PARANTHAKA SUNDARA CHOLA and mother name is VAANAMA DEVIYAAR (velir enam). Similarly raja rajan had seven wives and one from velir enam IILADAMA DEVIYAAR. It’s simple they sold our shirts and we stood as nude :) this is how both pandya and chola has periyanayaki as common clan deity. Mostly the breeding work were done by using those velir ilam (jersy ,sindu….and few selected of our males were taken for kaala oosi and in return they received poonool, voters id and employment in temple kitchen. Now akkini veeran is alone and periya nayaki is alone in two different villages. And both are in ferocious form.

Hence it is clear akkini veeran is ferocious form of lord shiva and Madurai veeran (azaghar) is the primitive form of existing Vishnu . Actually what these crocodiles had done is they separated we both and they formed an alliance with vishu’s clan because they know they (crocodiles) can’t remain with us. sathaca crotha bhairava. In pandiya kingdom Vaisnavites were comfortable with us because what they had what we don’t have and we had what they don’t have and it was a pleasant journey. Panni kooda senthu kandrum pae thinumaam (by joining with pigs even calf will eat the shit) – tamil proverb


Do you think I am a loose punda to write like this?? Just cross check everything then you will understand this. Now why can’t you people sleep and have love with your CAR ,CENTRAL GOVT EMPLOYEE AND OWN HOUSE !!!
and trust me this is true, only these two clans (shiva and vishnu) will come to rescue in any yugam. i dont want to give a proof for that now.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Kalabhiras Part III – Shivan, Mayon ,Vethan (Shiva , Vishnu, Brahma)

Kalabhiras Part III – Shivan, Mayon ,Vethan (Shiva , Vishnu, Brahma)
The two clans are explained and the third one is left unexplained. In sidhar tradition shiva is the first siddhar. In hindu tradition shiva is the protector and destroyer, Vishnu is the comforter and brahma is the creator. These three gods and supportive gods are considered as the major faith in Hinduism. Shiva and Vishnu have temple and why there is no temple for brahma? In the process of journey from atlantis, brahma was the lost one. What happened to these clans, and who reached the Promised Land? The supportive sources for this analysis will be shiva raksha stotram, the story of anthakasuran, and the birth of kaali.
The Last Phase of Atlantis:
As plato mentioned about atlantis, the continent was made/ arranged in a circle form. Tamil literature/sangam literature speaks about five types of land (kurinji, mullai, maruhtnm , neithal and paalai). Have we ever thought about paalai land(desert) in tamil nadu? This was my childhood doubt. We have other four types of land such as sea and sea land, forest and forest land, mountain and mountain land, farmand farm land. Every land have their own gods, people, suffix and food . for the paalai land (desert) kottravai (kaali) was the god ! we don’t worship kaali and tamilnadu don’t have kaali temples , then how this classification came into our literature?. The answer is the last years of atlantis.
Shiva lived in the snowy mountain, Vishnu lived in ocean and brahma lived in the lake ambience. To support this, when the search for atlantis was happened, near to the coastal settlement in spain there was a unique round shape stone was found, in that stone one warrior stood with spear in his hand, surprisingly this stone was found at the last layer of the village settlement which reflects the atlantis style of arrangement. Hence it is clear the shiva’s clan lived in mountains and other external part of the settlement for the reason of protection to the settlement. The other two were, inside the settlement. In the last of phase atlantis the shivas land started to get dry (paalai)! The snowy mountains started to melt, there was a tsunami and loss of land occurs. That’s how paalai (desert) region comes in.
Vethan : The Brahma
After the environmental chaos, desertification of atlantis took place, the process of rescuing was fully done by lord shiva , this could be understood from shiva raksha stotram which says, this sort of protection of shiva was revealed by Vishnu to yagnavalkya. Because in kaliyugam Vishnu goes into deep sleep in under water. So mainly the conflict remains between intellect and heart. When the process of rescuing and guidng was done by shiva, the Vishnu clan followed him where as the vethan clan was lost in transmigration. This could be understood from the moral degration of vethan clan. They started to breach the norms and values that are established by their kingdom to maintain righteousness. Shiva cursed brahma and disqualified him from having temples on the plot of brahma attempted to have a forceful intercourse with his daughter on amavasya thithi. (My grandfather told we are not supposed to do any good thing on amavasya thithi) smilalry when the attempt was made with parvathy ,brahma lost one of his head. The story of brahma’s moral breaches goes on like this. Interestingly in the vethans clan there were two groups , the short and the tall one. The short brothers followed us and reached to the Promised Land, whereas the tall ones stayed there itself. The short ones are agastiya muni, vasista muni and so on….contrasting to the Brahman clan these munis and rishis contributed a lot on refining moral values and thoughts in society , Thiruvalluvar claims from this clan. A short Brahman came from meivazhi sects (who have haircuts) and he is not a jain.
The problem in following the herd, emerged in indo-gangetic plains, they are very much attracted to its beauty and nature. The vethans established a new settlements and towns in gangetic plains. Hence the remaining two major clans continued their journey from indo-gangetic plain to bottom of south. Finally the journey ends in south. Now the question is when this kaliyugam started and when this will end?
Desert, kaali and the birth of kali yugam
The fall of atlantis was the beginning of kaliyugam and the fall of kaali(?) will be the end of kali yugam ,that will pave way for the beginning of dharma yugam. So it s clear there was an environmental chaos, land loss, ocean atrocities and desertification, of animals, people and kingdom started. So the kingdom start to fall and the search for new land, new continent begins. Until the last remains of atlantis, those three clans(shivaites, mayons and vethans) alone stayed there. Hence those three were with the kali, and the starting place of kali yugam. (oodukaali followed the atlantians). The characteristic of kaliyugam are, Vishnu get into deep sleep under the earth, shiva alone remains, the virtues disintegrates, holy scriptures get burned, fake gods and worships emerges, white elephants, white tiger, white swan , white lotus gets extinct, money and power reaches to the hands of wicked people. Shiva rises from his elephant skin throne and walks in kailash thinking about the birth of kaali. And there exist turbulence everywhere.
Who is this kaali or kaaliyan – this creature is neither male nor female, it was left unkilled by Vishnu so it had the power as narashimha had. Its body is made of earth and water, which is nothing but wicked ferocious senses used for destruction and it’s powerful in water. Have we ever saw the namboothris feeding their gods, they make crocodile out of rice and do pooja for that, crocodile is as powerful as 30 elephants in water !!. Kaali was born from earth and powerful in water(the volcanic eruption and destruction of atlantis) . it was born from earth in upside down , shiva was eager to see kaali and the bhootas took kaali to shiva abode, in the process of discussion kaali recived few boons from shiva . As we know shiva is liked by both devas and ashuras, kaali received some boons, knowing this, Vishnu took a begger form and stood on the way of kaali, when kaali asked the reason , vishu asked either to fight with him or do a favour of not hurting the beggers in kaliyugam, if doing so kaali will lose its power and kingdom and will reach hell, she also accepted the begger request (Vishnu reques) thinking there may not be any threat from begger and the kaliyugam was started and Vishnu went to deep sleep in under water.
Now let us know about anthakasuran. When shiva and parvathi were cuddling, parvathi playfully closed shiva eyes and there born anthakasuran from the sweat of shiva. Which could be understood as the kali yugam was the embodiment of sins collected in the earlier three yugas. In the time span of shiva closed his eyes or eyes closed anthakasuran was born. He was senseless, not having eyes and hearing his roaring sound the scared parvathi removed his hands also. Antakasuran was conqured all the worlds. When he reached to take over kailash (shiva ‘s abode) with the help of seven women, shiva killed anthakasuran by placing him in air with his trident and That will be the end of kali yugam. There will be the dharma yugam where the righteousness and happy life will be established, everything will be back to normal, rhythmic life. Generation of offspring’s of plants, animals, and humans will take place.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kalabiras Part-II: From Atlantis To Ariankavu

The journey starts from atlantis to ariankavu. Tamils (the pandiyas) are one of the tribes from atlantis. We will discuss about atlantis and the tribes later. Now the focus is on tamils as one of the atlantis tribe. It is very evident tamils moved from ocean land to the main land. The sangam was shifted three times by pandya king. So pandiyas were the first and the foremost Tamil ruler. When pandiyas shifted from the ocean land to present Madurai. The present Madurai kingdaom was ransacked by the kalabiras (the mixed race people) so the pandiya king took refuge in Travancore kingdom and the king became the friend of pandiya and gave him 18 mountains with 1000sqft land for his friend to establish pandiya kingdom . Here one question we have to think, why the pandiyan king had not asked the coastal region whereas he asked the mountain and forest region?.So it is evident that pandiyas had the ocean atrocity shock(kadal khol). So how we know how many tribes pandiyas had? And what was their culture? Sastha will be the answer.
Sasthavu is the answer for the question of how many tribes pandiya kingdom initially had. Initially pnadiyas had two major tribes they are saivan and mayavan. To put it in present term both saivite and vaisnavite are major tribe of pandiyan kingdom.(vaisnavite were the lost tribe, means moved away from the original practices.) how it is confirmed? The first moved tribes along with pandya king was took hideout in the deeper souther of tamil nadu while the king went to Travancore. Every old unaffected settlement of tamils had only two tribes that is saivan and mayavan.these two tribes exchanges bride and bridegrooms where as in the later part they stopped talking to each other and they don’t take food and water from one another. The later evolution of the both tribe in cultural exchange created animosity between them and stopped the relations.
Saivan And Mayavan
From saivan derives sivan and the followers of shivan are called as saivities . similarly from mayavan derives maya manavan (mayakannan) and the followers of mayavan are mayavities which later derived as vaisnavities (Sanskrit term) shiva is heart oriented god and Vishnu is intellect oriented god. Parvathi sthe sister of Vishnu ! so this relationship got affected among both tribes ,so they both stopped cultural exchange from within the two tribes. There is a tamil proverb “nadaka malaichavan sittapan vitla ponnu katnan” (meaning is , one is called as lazy who took girl in his second father home ) this wis where vaisnavities lost . till today ouor village don’t have separate mother deity for both where as they have father deity as Madurai veeran. After our worship, they come separately with their people and worship. Very interesting observation here is , the drums instrument s are with one tribe (nandhi!!) and the kombu which is the wind instrument is with the mayavan sect (lord krishna’s flute) I love their kombu, their girls are beautiful and our males are good looking. Parvathi is from mayavan sect (sister of Vishnu).so connecting the earlier earlier paragraph with sasthavu (embodiment of shiva and Vishnu)
He is not a symbol of shivite and vaisnavite unity but he is the source of their(pandiyan) history. To further support the analysis lets discuss about utharavaai(literal meaning bloody mouth).
Utharavaai: Bloody Mouth
 Utharavai means the heavy feast to their clan deity. When the feast was given to our clan deity the three days from the feast is called as utharvaai. Which means the tribes avoid every family function for three days.(god will be in full mappu ! drousy conditition. Our god akkini veeran has got three days as uthirvaai and mayavans deity Madurai veeran has got 5 days of utharavaai. Our god akkiniveeran is yogi and their god is bhogi(who enjoys more ). Akkini veeran is the ferocious form of shiva where as Madurai veeran is present Vishnu. Shiva is yogi so just 3 days and Vishnu is bhoghi so 5 days of happiness.
Gographical Location:
The third settlement of pandiyan tribes avoided both water bodies and mountains. Mostly I had seen these tribes settled in region where there is no river body or mountains. These tribes are densely settled in the forest between pandruti and virudhachalam in cuddalore district ! (Clue). And both the border has river and they lived in the middle of the forest. Most of the akkini veeran worship are seen in these geographical area. Karupusami, poomaalaiappar, sudalimada sami are out of these settlements. Until the british arrival they were highly pure race and undisturbed. Stunning question is who guided them to reach here? How they found the rivers as demarcation line(not to cross) both the tribes have no knowledge about fishing and technology used for fishing (probably they want to avoid)one thing is sure they still carry the shock of ocean ,our people when they went to velankanni ,I found my grandmother, took a handful of sea water and drizzled over her head and walked out of sea (the answer was we should not bath in sea!!). the evening dryfish gravey smell in the village gives incomparable ecstasy, now recent entrants (new ugly women) are squeezing wheat floor for dinner!!!.mayavan is the last person in the village to have kombu(the last instrumentalist). We had the Best astrologers though still few are there. One thing is clear about the village; just 400 years of American expansion completely damaged the red Indians where as these people could able to survive for 1000s of years and I hope they continue the tradition.

With all my love and prayer this piece of work I dedicate to my grand mother who always tell our glorious past to me. (we had a text called akkini kattu,(the holy scripture) it was burnt along with my grandmother’s home).

Monday, May 14, 2012


One of the Upanishad explains the sex as like this. The vagina (yoni) is the yaga pit, the male pouring ghee in it and performing holy ritual the fumes are the hairs and in that process the life generates. Continuing this yaga process there is one stage called poornaagudhi. Where the respective sage/priest will offer the amirtha Paagam to his respective god. The god will appear in the fire to receive the amirtha paagam. This is called power of disciple. If we often invoke lord shiva in yaga and offer amirtha paagam then shiva gets strength and becomes strong to answer his devotees. Similarly the amirtha paagam of one’s wife must reach to her husband. thats how shiva (husband) receives strength from sakthi(wife). If the faith and devotion is fake and cheating then husband will not receive strength. It’s like thefting the power from electricity circuit. It is not one has to be a billionaire because of his wifes faith but it’s a matter of devotion and protection. These days iam only seeing father is in heaven and sons are in pubs and parties. We forgot the concept of Shiva and shakthi. Just think when they give initiation they say to us , we should not allow others to sit in out mat. Here how you will receive the amirtha from your husband if the cosmic vibes confused of who is the shiva of whose shakthi ? That’s why we need to invoke shiva to establish righteousness. When we became shiva obviously they will become shakthi. Otherwise one size fits all.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kalabiras: The Dark Age of Tamil History Part I

its all about the idea of giving back  :) kalabiras in tamil history considered to be the dark age of tamils. most of the sangam lieratures and text were burned and tamils identities and deities were put outside the settlements. when the deities were put outside of settlement it is obivious the people were also put out and used merely for menial works by the new settlers. what happened and who is responsible?  shockingly the man behind this dark age was none other than a tamil himself but spoken sanskrit he is CHANAKYA or vishnu gupta (got a clue). the background of tamil history and settlers could be explained later because its easy, but now i would like to shed light on dark age and to untie the knot.
history says chanakya was born in bihar (first mistake). chanakya the person who ran away from tamilnadu was hiden in bihar. till today bihar brahmins are known for equally ortodox with tamil brahmins. what actually happened? and why chanakya ran away from tamilnadu? its obivious, survival of the fittest. the tamil society was the idealistic society had mostly jains and buddhist, the king and kingdom had no attachment towards the religious affairs, the state strictly followed the secular approach in administration. chanakya from one group of brahmin had a realistic view or a moral free view in admistration and other affairs which only concentrates the winning factor, where as tamil way of warfare is entirely different, tamils put the women and children and old peoples in a safe place and war occurs in the isolated area where only the kings and warriors die. if we see the arthasatra it teaches completely the opposite way of warfare using women and kid as a war weapon. so the ideology clash and personal humiliation of chanakya by rulers who were not ready to accept his ideas made him to move away from tamil land and further more.there is a tamil proverb "the worm becomes the stink bee by receiving continuous stinks". this is what happened with chanakya. the nanda's in the north (sudhras) and pandhyas in the south were the son of soil. others were settlers. both the kingdom was overthrown by a single brain called chanakya. anyone can cross check with the chronology of tamil history and indian history. nandas were the one who insulted chanakya in their court.
surprisingly chanakyas first build empire was not built by a brahmin or satriy ka but again by a low birth person called chandra gupta!. when chanakya was insulted by a nanda ruler in the ministerial assembly, chanakya told them he would overthrow the kingdom itself. as usual they laughed at him and he walked out with great humiliation. while he was walking on the street he found a small boy called chandra gupta (later name, get a clue here skanda gupta) who was bravely playing warrior game with his friends though he was not from warrior class. actually mauriya derived from a word mayura, chandra gupta belong to the class of workers who collect peacock feathers and make decorative articles to home and other places. when chanakya found chandra gupta's bravery he asked his interest to learn the war tactics and other ministerial sciences, chandragupta was ready to go with chanakya and chanakya took chandra gupta with their parents permission. then how this surname gupta came.  the literal meaning of gupt means "away from others" chanakya was away from others, chandragupta was away from others similalry chanakya chosen a group of people and took them away from others and train them in war skills and administrative skills. those people were gurellias and anti-social elements, according to governments. those group of people trained by chanakya overthrone nanda kingdom in north and infiltrated till satavahanas empire the present andhra. from here history book says the remaining story of kalabhiras are from andhra. though they established empire they couldnt able to infiltrate into tamilnadu as easily they had done in other regions. so they settled in andhra and got mixed with cholas. kalabiras= kalapirargal (the mixed race).
once accuried the tamil knowledge and tamil culture, through alliances and merger and accusition they could able to infiltrate into tamil land. if they truely loved our culture and land why they destroyed our literature and text and gods? the returned force from north was a sanskrit force which couldnt able to withstand with tamil text and knowledge. inorder to avoid further confusion and kios along with merger and accutition they deleted the brand name "tamil brand" and cameout with mixed brand name which we are using now. skanda gupta is a classic example.
there are lot of connections and fabrications in tamil history and indian history but chanakya was the single brain behind this establishment of indian empire which was not there in history.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Enga Ayyapan

How many of us know the root of lord ayyapan, this is the history, lord ayyapan was the clan deity of pandya kingdom. As it was familiar in Tamil history there was a constant rival between three major settlers (chera,chola and pandya). When the pandhyan king was thrown out of his kingdom, he ran to chera kingdom and took refuge in travancore. Later on the Travancore king became good friend of pandhya who took refugee and made him as king of pandala which was a part of Travancore and ayyapan belongs to pandala king who was a pandaya by origin. So by history it’s clear.
Now if we go to any temple, we can find the kodimaram(the wooden flag tree) over there, we can find the vehicle of the respective god. if we go to Shiva temple we can find bull, in Vishnu temple one eagle alwar ,similarly if we go to ayyapan temple we can find horse over the kodimaram. Lord ayyapan has got no relation with horse then why there is a horse in kodimaram? There must be a tiger in kodimaram. But instead, there is a horse. We can identify the owner by his vehicle. In every ayyapan temple sastha( is the moolavar) is the god in sanctum, who is the clan deity of pandya kingdom. Ayyapan was one of the princes of pandhala kingdom who renounced the crown and went for ascetic life. This religious group with fanatic attitude changed the statue and posture of ayyapan externally, but pooja’s and rituals are carried out for sastha, that’s why we find horse in kodimaram, remember one tamil rural incident that I narrated about sending the force(he told, I sent my Whitehorse). Basically there are eight guarding spirits for eight directions; sasta is one of the guarding spirits of eight directions.
Now why this change? If the priest is really not powerful he can’t sit near to the yaga pit and perform the yaga, as high the flame as powerful must be the priest, sasta the powerful guarding spirit was made as a child in meditation, though can’t underestimate, it’s easy to play with kid than with the man. Anyway we know the story of ayyapan killing mahishi. I used to ask my mom about the ayyapan devotees in her childhood days and I was stunned by her narration. Those people who take sabarimalai woes were highly spirited people , 40 days they lead a strict ascetic life. This is the real incident, a man had a fight with his wife and wife suddenly holding his maalai (ayyapan rosary) and pluck it, so that to stop him to go to sabarimalai, he warned twice but the fight was increased, suddenly this man sliced her throat and ran into forest, he never came for any of the cremation ritual and his co-ayyapan devotees are asked him to withdraw from the sabarimalai woes because of death ceremony. He told nothing doing, I will not withdraw because it was not my mistake and I am not aware of what I had done. Then he told further if our team not ready to take me, then I will go with another village team. Actually others were scared, he might die in sabarimalai forest, and there were incidents like that. He was so strong and told if it was my mistake let me die there itself. He went to sabarimalai and returned safely to village,everyone was surprised by him. This was about 40 years before, my recent visit to sabarimalai made me to feel very bad because of huge money flow and other factors.
Whenever I close my eyes I see ayyapan romaing in a forest garden and there is no huts and building except a small Dias and I heard a voice ayyapan went to ponnambala medu the old temple spot. Devotees are true and ayyapan is true only his office is moved to old place because of too much of noise pollution and air pollution.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


usually i never have any colorful dreams or dreams with heroines and girls. my dreams are unusual and bizarre only my mother used to give explanation, those explanations are unacceptable for me. because they are about spirits and village beliefs. but she never took it lightly and she insist me to believe those things. most of my dreams have a evolution scenario like until some period same dream will come again and again , then another one dream will be the land mark to remember in next period. its like that.
Until 10th Grade:
it was a beautiful forest and the path was full of yellow flowers and big big trees on the both sides but i was chasing by someone , though it was not breath taking scaring, but i was running and running. this dream i had till 10th std.
In 12th Grade:
it was a heap of mud and shit, i was trying to climb to go somewhere, but i couldn't, it was only dragging me down, finally i got a small cashew branch and when i pulled that branch to next side i saw my grandfather village.
my recent dreams are breath taking and complicated for me, even to recollect.
it was in the month of april-may 2008, i was in Calcutta for attending the interview in idsk. i stayed in hotel ashoka. at midnight i had a dream, where i was shouting on the street towards everyone to runaway from the street, but people are doing their own business. i woke up and i saw the time, it was 2:00am in night. had a small sleep and went for a walk at 3:30am in those streets to check my dreams. the city was busy with cart pullers who does loading works. i felt relieved but wondered what is that? i was getting ready for interview and in the bus stand i saw news papers and people talking about china earthquake with greatest scale ever.
in the month of aug2010, i was hospitalized for typhoid. usually the fever level will come down in 4-5 days in the second week. but for me the temperature was still and it was not came down. doctor was bit surprised and told "till tomorrow we will see and then we might decide to take him to trichy" the headache was intolerable. it was not a dream because i was not sleeping. the eyes was just closed and couldn't able to open, suddenly i found a bright light and mother marry( velankanni madha) appeared with child in golden color, it was for just few seconds and next day the temperature was quickly falling.
Very Recent.
i was coming out from strategy lab in iit delhi and went to toilet, while going go toilet i found two girls sitting on the way in rest room. one was wearing pink shirt and another one was blackish green. when i entered into the toilet, it was not like toilet. there were four walls, the sky was visible and i found menses clothes and girls clothes on the sides and corners. but they were properly arranged. there were four rooms like and no water tub but the floor was clean and wet. i found a girl was coming out from one room, then i thought i entered into girls compound. moving from there, i opened a door and i found my uncle and sister (relatives) in a home, uncle was in unusual color and sitting still and sister was having a plate full of rice but the spinach gravey. she told me to have that rice, heard my mother voice of not to feed the relative (guest) with the spinach rice, but then it was my favorite variety so just i had a pinch of white rice with mild greens from the corner of the plate.
the next dream
i went for shopping and i found a white cap was good and i asked the price from the shopkeeper, he told 650rs. i was only having 200rs. there were two people as shopkeeper both were muslims before that a person entered into his shop and whispered something in his ear, i was standing there, then he took the calculator and told, i will give this cap for 196rs.i was so happy that i was getting four rupees extra and cap within the budget. then the shop keeper gave a cap which was not as i saw before, it was more beautiful and attractive made of transparent material and blue color flowers over that cap as design. there itself i worn and i was laughing. after coming from shop i was surprised to see the table is full of big watches, toys and other things that i don't know what is that. and the table was full.
anyone could please tell me what these dreams are telling :) because i stopped discussing my dreams with my parents and relatives. because i myself felt these dreams as bizarre. :) moreover i receive a sort of message which i cant share with others but only i recheck. in this condition how can i have a romantic dreams :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Brahma Ragasiyam Pesum Sarguru- Hidden Secrets

now number of cars are increased,so every where pollution, people want to move fast here and there. the floating population is increasing in major cities and villages are also getting polluted by fake commercials and medias. since the vehicles and fast life became the order of the day pollution increased and we are cutting trees(spirit worship) every where and not planting trees. so its hard to breath and lungs and other disorders are become common among people. so in order to avoid the chaos and traffic problem and delay in reaching to the destiny will be answered by vallalar secrets.
here are the RULES:
"kosathai kavasathaal maraikkavaum,adhu pol,uchi marbu pondra paghuthigalaum maraikkavum" (cover the chest, head and hip)-vallalar. since the road is easy and smooth there is a possibilities of frequent accident, so to protect our head we need to wear helmet (smoke will be very common). one need not to cover whole body, it is suggestible to have a small cap or handkerchief to cover head when we feel depressed or disturbed.
naan varum varai aruperum jothi andavanidanil akkarai seluthungal" (until i come again u people focus on arutperunjothi andavar)-vallalar. since smoke will be high in these period, we couldn't able to see clearly, that's why illegal relationships are increasing, sex and abuses are common in working place and in common places. the storm will be high and vision will be low. so its high time to open the third eye. when we cant able to see through our eyes, we could sense the obstacles and barriers through our third eyes. so more than pooja, yaga, and parikramas, in this time we have to do prayer like muslims do. we have to sit for meditation (no need any special classes and fake masters) just pray by heart ponder on divine grace.
in order to open the third eye vallalr talk about some stimulant that help to achieve in opening the third eye. the stimulant are sugar, light, food that increase the body heat like pepper,spinanch (ponnankanni) and so on. so it is important to light lamp in home. we can find lamp in evey worshipping place. in mosques we can see small light in their wall. in church despite candles we can see small bulb near the alter. so light is important. lighting lamp using sesame oil is much better. i found many muslims who have black spot over their head (frequent namas) are behaved very good. i hope now its visible. prayer and meditation opens the head light.
thiruvalluvar spoke about worldly and heavenly affairs in one , one chapter but he spoke on not coveting others wives(piran manai nokkamai nadru) in two separate chapters. it is not about appreciating the beauty but it is about troubling the good family and mind setup. we know what we do. so already pollution is high, it will be good and decent to check the pollution level of our vehicle often. this will not only help to reach our destiny soon but also we can avoid the fusing bulb. when the bulb fused we cant see clearly, either we get scoldings on the roadside or accident is assured. cant everyone say "there are no accidents"
fast and irritation on the road side will make everyone quickly to move away to home, we need to have patience to respect the road rules. the road rules are accept the parents guidance because they know the traffic and traffic rules. when there is sign board of "NO SMOKING" kindly avoid smoking in public places and work places. safe driving is more preferable than rash driving. because we have kids and women on board. finally happy journey and safe driving.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Poisonous Snake

Yesterday morning got up went for prayer and thought of buying greeting card for my guru so went to near by shop but it was not open then I thought of going to near by perumal temple (as always) went there and worshipped ,it was awesome experience. After coming from temple I thought of buying a pants and greeting cards. So I went to market, there I brought greeting card. Thursday Morning usually I take breakfast because pogha is my favorite dish. Yesterday morning I wasn’t felt like having pogha. So I just had milk and went to temple and market. There in market I was so hungry, I was searching momo’s to have as breakfast. But I couldn’t able to take momos, I was still hungry, near to the milk shop I found a man selling channa (black gram) so I went there and I asked one to eat. He gave the fresh channa soaked in water. Had one handful then I asked for the boiled one. But he mistook (?) and gave soaked channa, he covered his face, probably cold. In the second round I found a balk and white small snake skin like piece. I was bit worried about his morning business and remembered our Tamil movie comedy “we will remove the rat and upload the marriage food. So I smiled and ate, third round I asked again and he gave the boiled one. Taste was differing. But I thought salt might be less. Then came to hostel and posted the greetings and worshipped nearby god. There I brought butter milk and again two packs of channa from the nearby shop , I found one pack was unsealed a thump size opening was there in one pack. Thursday night I was aroused and got severe head ache it was unusual as compared to earlier. Camera, monitor, angel guiding and cautioning, despite this it was happened. So I was guided to have foreplay for about half an hour (slide shows ) to my surprise the head ache was gone but I was having a moorka gunam (raw attitude) and slept.
Next day Friday I woke up and had some chips like breakfast and went to shop to get onion and tomato to mix with the channa(black gram) and eat. There I found the shopkeeper sleeping, it was very unusual. After getting onion and tomato I took few coriander leaves also. Came to room and ate. Afternoon I had lunch of curd rice and pickle with two puppad. After coming to room I was lying to take a nap. Suddenly I got a unbelievable and un bearable headache not completely over my head but only on the left side of above eye brow and particularly to the area of small stone size, felt like someone was hardly hitting my head. Pain was kept on increasing. Went to the level of completely blocking the eye sight, yesterday evening also I had water flowing down from eyes and got translucent sight. So I was not able to think anything. It was a killer pain suddenly went out of room and breathed in the fresh air, felt bit aright when I came back and tried to sleep in room again the pain was increasing and it was only getting worst, now head ache and stomach ache , so took the white warm coat and sat near to the lawn I was completely switched off, suddenly got watery mouth (water like saliva started to flow out) got vomiting sensation and I was asked by the worker to go to washbasin, within reaching there I vomited and just curd rice came it grayish white and I found a small green color match stick size in the midst of white rice and the torture and trouble lasted for one hour after a painful vomiting , I came to room and slept peacefully till 6:45pm. As always I received a interesting comments. But the experience was unimaginable. Miss elle trying to impress her husband Just by torturing me.
Don’t eat on the road side. Kindly eat in your mother and wife hand. Stars cannot support us every time. we have to appreciate others effort and love despite preoccupation because who knows, it might even save you from death to at least donne a peaceful sleep.