thiruvannamalai(abode of siddhars)

thiruvannamalai(abode of siddhars)

Friday, July 22, 2011


tibet and dalailama was introduced to me by a tibetan friends tsering tenzing and jigme. tsering had his rosary tied in his hand and made me ask questions about tibet and his holiness. my understanding became wider when i read a book "awekening the mind and lightening the heart " by his holiness. so i started to follow news about tibet. which gave me some understanding about tibet. the tibetan youths that i found in 2003 and 2011 has drastic change in their behaviour and dressings. jeans is the very common dress for both boys and girls(probably foreign funding). whatever it is, a man living in foreign land for his whole life with everyday expectation of dawn is something ponderable.

1) china is emerging as an invincible power in internatinal platform, though its not playing direct role. china is the major financial supporter of america.

2) so america hands are tied when it deals with chinese affairs.

3)china's third world policies are so strong that makes china to be even stronger in UN.

4)india can only give motherly affection to tibet but only china can give fatherly concession to china.

5) tibet has to follow the policy of "meet the lion in its den" towards china. because most of the west trying to have share with chinese econmic boom. so without any third person ,tibet has to intiate conversations with china.

6)since tibet became strategically and natural resources point of view became important for china, we cant expect complete expulsion of china from tibet.

7)through out the history china suffers with "xenophobia" so avoid using foreiners as a leaverage for talk, definitely that will irritate them, now they are super power too.

8)any political conclusion must be arrived soon within the life tenure of hisholiness

9)change the slogan of free tibet to tibet autonomy

10) tibetans should put their own views instead of someone's else.


too much of foreign funds and foreign aids made the youths blend, they seem to be least reactive when we talk abut tibet. may be because of their religion and culture too, they are not soo reactive. so the burden for hishliness is doubled.


seperating the state and church is good but completely vanishing of his hliness image in the politics will bring down the morale of tibetans. because his holiness is the religious and cultural sign of tibet. so his mere presence is important. we should not see china as a thorn in the flesh instead see him as a strict brother. in the coming future the role of prime minister will be inevitable. so what tibet can ask to china is that,

his holiness will continue to be an ornamental head of the state (autonmus state). the political and the security issues will be with the china whereas the china will not have any direct presence in tibet but in lasha administrative wing there coould be the chinese representative who will monitor the prime minister activites. the chinese repsentative will not have any cntrol over the spiritual and cultural affairs of tibet.

no changes in tibetan political administration could bring withut the knwledge of UNO and india.becuase the succeding politico of china might try to reverse the history. tibet has to accept the chinese soverignity over tibet.
so basically it is of sharing of powers. the spiritual and cultural affairs will be with the dalailama,

the political and security power might exist with china but invisibly. tibet could accept the socialist form of administration but the prime minister of tibet will be governing the state.
if china and tibet accepts in these views then autonomy will be achieved in win-win situation.

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